Collectanea Series
of the Anthropos Institute
The Collectanea series of
the Anthropos Institute
was started in 1967 by
W. Saake. The purpose of
this series was to collect
and publish materials
dealing with societies
without script. Over the
years, 43 volumes have
appeared, dealing with
general ethnography,
religious ethnography,
and linguistic materials.
Recently the purpose
of this series has been
expanded to include the
preservation of items
of cultural significance
which can often be
made available for
posterity only by fixing
them in writing. As a
consequence, the series
also welcomes material
from authors who, in the
strict sense, may not be
ethnologists or specialists
in the science of religion,
but who can present their
material in a manner that
has scientific validity.
Manuscripts should be sent to
Anthropos Institut
Arnold-Janssen-Str. 20
D-53754 Sankt Augustin