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Full Text: Anthropos, 99.2004

ANTHROPOS 99.2004/2 
Bernard Formoso: A l’unisson des tambours. Note sur 
l’ordre social et la chasse aux têtes parmi les Wa de 
Chine 353 
Andrea K. Molnar: An Anthropological Study of 
Atsabe Perceptions of Kolimau 2000. A New East 
Timorese Religious Cult or Internal Security Problem? 365 
Georg Pfeffer: Order in Tribal Middle Indian “Kin 
ship” 381 
Charles W. Nuckolls: Toward a Cultural Psychology 
°f Voluntary Action Beliefs 411 
Robert J. Gordon: The Quest for the Authentic. On 
the Heroics of African Visual Anthropology 427 
Njakoi John Bah: Ntok ebkuo. A Western Grassfield’s 
Palace (Cameroon) 435 
Bavid Zeitlyn: The Gift of the Gab. Anthropology and 
Conversation Analysis 451 
Andrea Lauser: Was sucht die Ethnologie auf dem 
Laufsteg? Lokale Schonheitskonkurrenzen als “Riten 
her Modemisierung” 469 
Revin Tuite: Lightning, Sacrifice, and Possession in the 
Traditional Religions of the Caucasus (Part 2) 481 
Barius J, Piwowarczyk: Missionaries of the “Iron 
Cage.” The Indigenist Sector of the Society of the 
Bivine Word (SVD) in Paraguay, 1910-2000 499 
V'Oran Aijmer: The warawara malanggan in Lesu. The 
historical Anthropology of a New Ireland Society ... 519 
Paul van der Grijp: Strategic Murders. Social Drama 
^Tonga’s Chiefly System (Western Polynesia) .... 535 
Cioba Rossbach de Olmos: Klimawandel, internatio- 
n ale Umweltpolitik und indigene Vôlker 551 
^richte und Kommentare 
^larie-Luce Gélard: Representations of Kinship. Ag- 
^ a hc Ideology and Uterine Values in a Berber-Speaking 
ribe (Southeast Morocco) 565 
°hannes Merz: From Relativism to Imagination. To- 
Wa rds a Reconstructive Approach to the Study of Afri 
ca Witchcraft 572 
j, e ° r g Schifko: Kritische Anmerkungen zu einem Kup- 
er stich aus James Cooks Reiseberichten und zur Rezep- 
*°n bei Jules Verne 580 
re §ory Forth: Contemporary Zoological Transforma- 
° n and the Semai of Malaysia. An Addendum to Forth 
'»98) \ 585 
an van Kessel: Religion, ritual y vida cotidiana en 
j° s Andes 586 
Manfred Hutter: Die kulturellen Leistungen der Zo- 
astrier. Besprechungsaufsatz zu “A Zoroastrian Tap- 
str y” 591 
Apps, Lara, and Andrew Gow: Male Witches in Early 
Modern Europe (T. O. Beidelman) 601 
Ardener, Shirley (ed.): Swedish Ventures in Cameroon, 
1883-1923 (Jiirg Schneider) 602 
Askew, Kelly M.: Performing the Nation (Judith Lynne 
Hanna) 603 
Beck, David R. M.: Siege and Survival (Ingo W. Schro 
der) 605 
Bhatt, Chetan: Hindu Nationalism (Othmar Gachter) . 605 
Boahen, A. Adu, Emmanuel Akyeampong, Nancy 
Lawler, T. C. McCaskie, and Ivor Wilks (eds.): “The 
History of Ashanti Kings and the Whole Country It 
self’ and Other Writings by Otumfuo, Nana Agyeman 
Prempeh I. (Adam Jones) 607 
Bouquet, Mary (ed.): Academic Anthropology and the 
Museum (Hans Voges) 608 
Breman, Jan, and Gunawan Wiradi: Good Times and 
Bad Times in Rural Java (Lioba Lenhart) 611 
Bucher, Gudrun: “Von Beschreibung der Sitten und 
Gebräuche der Völcker” (Han F. Vermeulen) 613 
Colombijn, Freek, and J. Thomas Lindblad (eds.): 
Roots of Violence in Indonesia (Martin Ramstedt) ... 614 
Combes, Isabelle, y José I. Ros: Los indígenas olvi 
dados (Diego Villar) 617 
Donovan, James M., and H. Edwin Anderson III: 
Anthropology and Law (Richard Scaglion) 618 
Ehlers, Eckart, and Hermann Kreutzmann (eds.): 
High Mountain Pastoralism in Northern Pakistan (Mi 
chael J. Casimir) 619 
Fartacek, Gebhard: Pilgerstätten in der syrischen Pe 
ripherie (Jürgen Wasim Frembgen) 621 
Fiedermutz-Laun, Annemarie, Franz Pera, Elmar T. 
Peuker und Manfried L. G. Dietrich (Hrsg.): Zur Ak 
zeptanz von Magie, Religion und Wissenschaft (Godula 
Kosack) 622 
Figl, Johann (Hrsg.): Handbuch Religionswissenschaft 
(Klaus Hock) 623 
Fischer, Hans, und Bettina Beer (Hrsg.): Ethnologie. 
Einführung und Überblick (Pierre Emy) 626 
Freed, Stanley A., and Ruth S. Freed: Green Revolu 
tion (Lydia Icke-Schwalbe) 627 
Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim: Nahrung für die Seele 
(Othmar Gächter) 628 
Giobellina Brumana, Fernando: Sentidos de la antro 
pología (Diego Villar) 630 
Hartwig, Walter Carl (ed.): The Primate Fossil Record 
(Winfried Henke) 630 
Herzfeld, Michael: The Body Impolitic (Dorothea 
Schell) 632 
Hodgson, Dorothy L. (ed.): Rethinking Pastoralism in 
Africa (Michael Bollig) 634

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