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Full Text: Anthropos, 99.2004

Studia Series 
of the Anthropos Institute 
Ethnological research has 
changed dramatically in 
recent years. The unremit 
ting spread of Western 
industrial civilization has 
lead to a devaluation of 
regional and local cultures. 
As a result, the Anthropos 
Institute has taken on the 
task of promoting the 
preservation of surviving 
cultures and languages, 
in order to accentuate the 
diversity of creation and to 
recognize the basic right 
of mankind to cultural 
The Studia series would 
like to foster and contrib 
ute to the investigation 
and preservation of cul 
tures. Works published 
in this series are mono 
graphs of ethnological 
and religious-ethnologi 
cal character, be they 
dissertations or other 
independent results of 
research. Manuscripts are 
welcomed. They will be 
read and, if appropriate, 
accepted for publication. 
Manuscripts should be sent to 
Anthropos Institut 
Arnold-|anssen-Str. 20 
D-53754 Sankt Augustin 

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