Anthropos 99.2004
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Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002. 209 pp.
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Ahlbäck, Tore (ed.): Ritualistics. Based on Papers Read
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Finland, on the July 31-August 2, 2002. Âbo:
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welten in der Südsee. Ausstellungstexte. Bremen;
Überseemuseum Bremen, 2003. 100 pp., Fotos.
ISBN 3-88299-090-2.
Aijmer, Göran: New Year Celebrations in Central
China in Late Imperial Times. Hong Kong: The
Chinese University Press, 2003. 180 pp. ISBN 962-
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Afrin, Syria. Auckland: KW Publications, 2003.
394 pp., photos. ISBN 4-9901694-3-3.
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Identities. Race, Gender, and Nationality. Malden:
Blackwell Publishing, 2003. 428 pp. ISBN 0-631-
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Almeida-Topor, Hélène, d’, et al. (éds.): Le travail
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l’époque contemporaine. Paris: Editions Karthala,
2003. 355 pp. ISBN 2-84586-429-9.
Altena, Thorsten: “Ein Häuflein Christen mitten in
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und Fremdverständnis protestantischer Missionare
im kolonialen Afrika 1884-1918. Münster: Wax-
mann Verlag, 2003. 531 pp., CD-ROM. ISBN 3-
8309-1199-8. (Internationale Hochschulschriften,
Amit, Vered (ed.): Biographical Dictionary of Social
and Cultural Anthropology. London: Routledge,
2004. 613 pp. ISBN 0-415-22379-2.
Anspach, Mark Rogin: A charge de revanche. Figures
élémentaires de la réciprocité. Paris; Editions du
Seuil, 2002. 141 pp. ISBN 2-02-050875-3.
Apps, Lara, and Andrew Gow: Male Witches in Ear
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versity Press, 2003. 190 pp. ISBN 0-7190-5708-
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nung. Religionsgemeinschaften in Frankfurt. Fo
tografien von Heiko Arendt. Frankfurt: Museum
der Weltkulturen, 2003. 40 pp., Fotos. ISBN 3-
88270-410-1. (Galerie, 37/12)
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visâo a partir do Sul. 3a ed. Petrópolis: Editora
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Aschke, Manfred: Kommunikation, Koordination und
soziales System. Theoretische Gmndlagen für die
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schaft, 2002. 375 pp. ISBN 3-8282-0210-1.
Aubin, Françoise: Bibliographie de Jean Aubin (1927-
1998). Sep.: Aquém e além de Taprobana (Lisboa)
2002; 610-618.
Aunger, Robert: Reflexive Ethnographie Science. Wal
nut Creek: AltaMira Press, 2004. 281pp. ISBN
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Nanterre: Société d’ethnologie, 2004. 471 pp. ISBN
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Barker, John, and Douglas Cole (eds.): At Home with
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Letters, 1922-4. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2003.
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2003. 206 pp. ISBN 90-6718-219-2. (Verhandelin-