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Full Text: Anthropos, 99.2004

Anthropos 99.2004 
Acta Archaeologica (Budapest) 
53. 2002/4 
Zalai-Gaal, L, Das “prähistorische Modell von Varna” 
und die Fragen der Sozialstruktur der Legyel-Kultur 
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica (Budapest) 
48. 2003/3-4 
Voigt, V., Vilmos Diöszegi and the Questions of “Hun 
garian Religion” (301-311). - Fodor, I., Über die 
vorchristliche Religion der Altungam (327-365). - 
Poes, E., Why Witches Are Women (367-383). - Toth 
G., P., “The Bloody Theatre of Europe.” The Cul 
ture of Pain, Cruelty, and Martyrdom in Early Modem 
Hungary (385-396). - Keszeg, V., L’intégration des 
superstitions dans les structures cognitives (397-420). - 
Zsigmond, G., Popular Cosmogony and Beliefs about 
Celestial Bodies in the Culture of the Hungarians from 
Romania (421-439). - Deusen, K. van, Music and 
Storytelling in the Tuvan Shamanic World (441-450). - 
Hoppàl, M., Tracing Shamans in Tuva (465-481). 
Acta Orientalia (Budapest) 
64. 2003 
Lindtner, C., Gematria in the Gospels (7-37). - 
Bjerken, Z., Hall of Mirrors: Tibetan Religious His 
tories as Mimetic Narratives (177-223). 
African Affairs (Oxford) 
103. 2004/410 
Melvern, L., P. Williams, Britannia Waived the Rules: 
The Major Government and the 1994 Rwandan Geno 
cide (1-22). - Young, C., The End of the Post-Colonial 
State in Africa? Reflections on Changing African Polit 
ical Dynamics (23-49). - Corey, A., S. F. Joireman, 
Retributive Justice: The Gacaca Courts in Rwanda (73- 
89). - Ross, K. R., “Worrisome Trends:” The Voice 
of the Churches in Malawi’s Third Term Debate (91- 
107). - Willan, S., Briefing: Recent Changes in the 
South African Government’s HIV/AIDS Policy and Its 
Implementation (109-117). 
African and Asian Studies (Leiden) 
2. 2003/3 
Zeng, Q., Personality Structure in Chinese School Chil 
dren: Is the Five-Factor Model Adequate? (213-232). - 
Virtanen, P., Defining the “Other:” Democracy in 
Mozambique Within (233-258). - Prabhakar, A. C., 
A Critical Reflection on Gobalisation and Inequality; A 
New Approach to the Development of the South (307- 
African Arts (Los Angeles) 
36. 2003/1 
Anderson, M. G., Ikiyan Am. Ijo Vessels of Sacrifice 
(24-39). - Clarke, C., Defining African Art. Primitive 
Negro Sculpture and the Aesthetic Philosophy of Albert 
Barnes (40-51). - Loughran, K., Jewelry, Fashion, 
and Identity. The Tuareg Example (52-65). - Gott, S., 
Golden Emblems of Maternal Benevolence. Transfor 
mations of Form and Meaning in Akan Regalia (66— 
36. 2003/2 
Mullen Kreamer, C., A Tribute to Roy Sieber, Part 2 
(10-29). - Green, R. L., Lamba Hoany. Proverb Cloths 
from Madagascar (30-43). - Moffett, D., S. Mellor, 
The Curator-Conservator Collaboration. Remembering 
Roy Sieber (44-55). - Arnold!, M. J., Symbolically 
Inscribing the City. Public Monuments in Mali, 1995- 
2002 (56-65). - Geary, C. M., The Incidental Photog 
rapher. Roy Sieber and His African Images (66-80). 
African Economic History (Madison) 
29. 2001 
Curto, J., R. R. Gervais, The Population History of 
Luanda during the Late Atlantic Slave Trade, 1781 — 
1844 (1-59). - Korieh, C. J., The Invisible Farmer? 
Women, Gender, and Colonial Agricultural Policy in the 
Igbo Region of Nigeria, c. 1913-1954 (117-162). 
30. 2002 
LaRue, G. M., The Capture of a Slave Caravan: The 
Incident at Asyut (Egypt) in 1880 (81-106). - Dibua, 
J. I., Agricultural Modernization, the Environment and 
Sustainable Production in Nigeria, 1970-1985 (107-

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