ANTHROPOS 101.2006/2
Alfredo Gonzâlez-Ruibal: Order in a Disordered
World. The Bertha House (Western Ethiopia) 379
Osumaka Likaka: Colonial Response to Population
depletion in Early Congo, ca. 1890-1936 403
Stephan Dugast : Des sites sacrés à incendier. Feux
rituels et bosquets sacrés chez les Bwaba du Burkina
Paso et les B assar du Togo 413
Roberto Beneduce and Simona Taliani: Embodied
Powers, Deconstructed Bodies. Spirit Possession, Sick-
ne ss, and the Search for Wealth of Nigerian Immigrant
Women 429
Mary W. Helms: Joseph the Smith and the Salvational
Wansformation of Matter in Early Medieval Europe ... 451
Rfuno J. Richtsfeld: Geburt und Jugend des Helden im
P^sar-Epos der Monguor (VR China, Provinz Qinghai) . 473
^guyên Xuân Hiên: Betel-Chewing in Vietnam. Its Past
and Current Importance 499
Astrid de Hontheim : Un chapelet sur le caducée. Ten-
Utives d’évangélisation catholique et protestante des As-
njat (Papouasie occidentale) 519
Christian Meyer: “Tranca Ruas schlachtete seine Kat-
Wollte aber nicht alleine essen ...” Deixis, Ritualge-
sange und die Glaubwürdigkeit der Geistverkörperung in
nr brasilianischen Umbanda 529
'Wrc Lenaerts : “Le jour où Pâwa, notre Père à tous,
^ abandonné la terre ..Le bricolage religieux chez les
s héninka de 1’ Ucayali 541
B .
ei *ichte und Kommentare
M^ksandar Boskovic: Balkan Ghosts Revisited.
Racism - Serbian Style 559
ürkhard Ganzer: Power vs. Consent in Tribal Po-
ri'cal Systems in Iran; Salzman on the Basseri Khan.
°niments on an Extreme View 564
avid Hicks: How Friarbird Got His Helmet. Some
°Vel Features in an Eastern Indonesian Narrative . . . 570
Anette Hornbacher: Medium oder Message? Wayang
alit zwischen Technik und Kunst 575
aristoph Antweiler und Corinne Neudorfer; Ethno-
°§ie in Text und Bild. Zum “dtv-Atlas der Ethnologie” . 578
p‘ünan, Jean (ed.): Fashioning Africa. Power and the
0 üics of Dress (Rita Schäfer) 585
Jhesberger, Helga, Katrin Auer, und Brigitte Halb-
ayr; Sexualisierte Gewalt. Weibliche Erfahrungen in
' 'Konzentrationslagern (Patricia Zuckerhut) 586
Antoun, Richard T.: Documenting Transnational Mi
gration. Jordanian Men Working and Studying in
Europe, Asia, and North America (Julia Droeber) .... 588
Bonnemère, Pascale (ed.); Women as Unseen Char
acters. Male Ritual in Papua New Guinea (Holly
Wardlow) 589
Bsteh, Andreas, und Tahir Mahmood (Hrsg.); In
toleranz und Gewalt. Erscheinungsformen, Gründe,
Zugänge (Christian W. Troll) 590
Clark, Mary Ann: Where Men Are Wives and Moth
ers Rule. Santería Ritual Practices and Their Gender
Implications (Lioba Rossbach de Olmos) 591
Corbey, Raymond: The Metaphysics of Apes. Ne
gotiating the Animal-Human Boundary (Matthew R.
Goodrum) 593
Cornwall, Andrea (ed.): Readings in Gender in Africa
(Rita Schäfer) 594
Crapanzano, Vincent: Imaginative Horizons. An Essay
in Literary-philosophical Anthropology (Josef Salmen) . 595
Dächer, Michèle : Cent ans au village. Chronique fami
liale gouin (Burkina Faso) (Jacek Jan Pawlik) 596
Delarozière, Marie-Françoise : L’art du cuir en Mauri
tanie, ou le raffinement nomade (Claude Savary) .... 597
Dening, Greg; Beach Crossings. Voyaging across
Times, Cultures, and Self (Eva Ch. Raabe) 597
de Wet, Chris (ed.): Development-induced Displace
ment. Problems, Policies, and People (Bettina Beer) . . 599
Drotbohm, Heike: Geister in der Diaspora. Haitiani
sche Diskurse über Geschlechter, Jugend und Macht in
Montreal (Sylvia M. Schomburg-Scherff) 600
Erny, Pierre : L’éducation au Rwanda au temps des rois.
Essais sur la tradition culturelle et pédgogique d’un pays
d’Afrique centrale (Hildegard Schürings) 602
Evans, Toby Susan, and Joanne Pillsbury (eds.):
Palaces of the Ancient New World. A Symposium at
Dumbarton Oaks 10th and 11th October 1998 (Ursula
Thiemer-Sachse) 604
Paiola, Toyin, and Matt D. Childs (eds.): The Yoru
ba Diaspora in the Atlantic World (Lioba Rossbach de
Olmos) 606
Fleurdorge, Denis : Les rituels et les représentations du
pouvoir (Claude Rivière) 607
Fogelson, Raymond D. (ed.): Handbook of North
American Indians; vol. 14: Southeast (Sylvia S. Kas-
prycki) 608
Foster, Robert J.: Materializing the Nation. Commodi
ties, Consumption, and Media in Papua New Guinea
(Hans Reithofer) 610
Fuentes Guerra, Jesús, y Armin Schwegler: Lengua
y ritos del Palo Monte Mayombe. Dioses cubanos y sus
fuentes africanas (Bettina Schmidt) 611
Green, Sarah E: Notes from the Balkans. Locat
ing Marginality and Ambiguity on the Greek-Albanian
Border (Michaela Schäuble) 612
Gudermann, Rita, und Bernhard Wulff: Der Sarotti-