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Full Text: Anthropos, 101.2006+Ind.1906-2005(CD-ROM)

Anthropos 101.2006 
Adams, Monni: Inherited Rules and New Proce 
dures in Three Trials in Canton Bo, Southwestern 
Côte d’Ivoire 
el-As wad, el-Sayed: The Dynamics of Identity 
Reconstruction among Arab Communities in the 
United States 
Bah, Njakoi John: cf.. Gufler, Hermann, and 
Njakoi John Bah 
Beneduce, Roberto, and Simona Taliani: Em 
bodied Powers, Deconstructed Bodies. Spirit Pos 
session, Sickness, and the Search for Wealth of 
Nigerian Immigrant Women 
Christie, Jessica Joyce: Inca Copacabana. A Re 
construction from the Perspective of the Carved 
Córdoba, Lorena: Ideología, simbolismo y rela 
ciones de género en la construcción de la persona 
Dugast, Stéphan : Des sites sacrés à incendier. 
Feux rituels et bosquets sacrés chez les Bwaba 
du Burkina Faso et les Bassar du Togo .... 
González-Ruibal, Alfredo: Order in a Disor 
dered World. The Bertha House (Western Ethi 
Gufler, Hermann, and Njakoi John Bah: The 
Establishment of the Princes’ Society in Oku, 
Cameroon. An Enhancement of Traditional Cul 
ture or Its Adulteration? 
Haddad, John: “To Inculcate Respect for the 
Chinese.” Berthold Laufer, Franz Boas, and the 
Chinese Exhibits at the American Museum of 
Natural History, 1899-1912 
Harnischfeger, Johannes: Islamisation and Eth 
nic Conversion in Nigeria 
Hazel, Robert : Cyclicité, histoire et destin dans 
les systèmes de classes d’âge de l’Afrique de 
Helms, Mary W.: Joseph the Smith and the 
Salvational Transformation of Matter in Early 
Medieval Europe 
Hontheim, Astrid de : Un chapelet sur le ca 
ducée. Tentatives d’évangélisation catholique et 
protestante des Asmat (Papouasie occidentale) . 
Izidoro, José Luiz: A Religiosidade popular na 
cultura caiçara. A Festa do Divino Espirito Santo 
em Iguape 
Kronenfeld, David B.: Issues in the Classifica 
tion of Kinship Terminologies. Toward a New 
Typology 203 
Lang, Bernhard: Israels Religionsgeschichte aus 
ethnologischer Sicht 99 
Lenaerts, Marc : “Le jour où Pâwa, notre Père 
à tous, a abandonné la terre ...” Le bricolage 
religieux chez les Ashéninka de 1’Ucayali ... 541 
Likaka, Osumaka: Colonial Response to Popu 
lation Depletion in Early Congo, ca. 1890-1936 403 
Meyer, Christian: “Tranca Ruas schlachtete sei 
ne Katze, wollte aber nicht alleine essen ...” 
Deixis, Ritualgesänge und die Glaubwürdigkeit 
der Geistverkörperung in der brasilianischen Um 
banda 529 
Nguyen Xuân Hiên: Betel-Chewing in Vietnam. 
Its Past and Current Importance 499 
Quack, Anton: 100 Years of Anthropos .... 3 
Richtsfeld, Bruno J.: Geburt und Jugend des 
Helden im Gesar-Epos der Monguor (VR China, 
Provinz Qinghai) 473 
Taliani, Simona: cf. Beneduce, Roberto, and 
Simona Taliani 
Tonah, Steve: Diviners, Malams, God, and the 
Contest for Paramount Chiefship in Mamprugu 
(Northern Ghana) 21 
Virtanen, Pirjo Kristiina: The Urban Manchin- 
ery Youth and the Social Capital in Western Ama 
zonian Contemporary Rituals 159 
Berichte und Kommentare 
Antweiler, Christoph, und Corinne Neudorfer: 
Ethnologie in Text und Bild. Zum “dtv-Atlas der 
Ethnologie” 578 
Boskovic, Aleksandar: Balkan Ghosts Revisited. 
Racism - Serbian Style 559 
Dannhaeuser, Norbert: Economic Systems of 
Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies 233 
Ganzer, Burkhard: Power vs. Consent in Tribal 
Political Systems in Iran: Salzman on the Basseri 
Khan. Comments on an Extreme View 564 
Hicks, David: How Friarbird Got His Helmet. 
Some Novel Features in an Eastern Indonesian 
Narrative 570 
Hornbacher, Annette: Medium oder Message? 
Wayang Kulit zwischen Technik und Kunst . . 575 

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