Anthropos 102.2007
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica (Budapest)
51. 2006/1-2
Buday, K., Womanhood: Blessing or Cursing? - Bless
ed or Cursed? (3-30). - Hess, S., “I Am Not Will
ing to Return at This Time ...” - Transmigration of
Eastern European Women as Transformation Strategy
(31-42). - Zimon, H., The Role of Women in African
Traditional Religions (43-60). - Prica, I., The Con
struction of Authority in a “Female” Discipline. Tran
sitional Ethnology under the “Rule of Women” (61 —
72). - Gleszer, N., Pilgrimages in Jewish Folk Reli
gion in Hungary - From the Chassidic Courts to the
Virtual Communities (91-104). - Kocsis, N., Devoting
Krishna in a Hungarian Way: Religious and National
Identity in the Hungarian Brahmana Mission. A Case
Study (105-117).
51. 2006/3-4
Voronina, T., Fasting in the Life of Russians [19th—
20th Centuries] (235-255). - Mixajlov, S., A. Markov,
The Old Believers of Guslicy (257-264). — Cekanska-
ja, K.V., Traditional Veneration of Icons in the Russian
Orthodox Church (265-280). - Nagy, L, The Earth-
Diver Myth (Mot. 812) and the Apocryphal Legend of
the Tiberian Sea (281-326). - Barna, G., The Security
of Hope. The Confraternity of the Living Rosary (345-
Africa (Edinburgh)
76. 2006/4
Hellweg, J., Manimory and the Aesthetics of Mimesis;
Forest, Islam, and State in Ivoirian dozoya (461-484). -
Geest, S. van der, Between Death and Funeral: Mor
tuaries and the Exploitation of Liminality in Kwahu,
Ghana (483-501). - Janson, M., “We Are All the
Same, Because We All Worship God.” The Controver
sial Case of a Female Saint in The Gambia (502-525). -
Niehaus, I. A., Doing Politics in Bushbuckridge: Work,
Welfare, and the South African Elections of 2004 (526-
77. 2007/1
Boutrais, J., The Fulani and Cattle Breeds: Cross
breeding and Heritage Strategies (18-36). - Elias,
M., J. Carney, African Shea Butter: A Feminized
Subsidy from Nature (37-62). - Adou Yao, C. Y.,
B. Roussel, Forest Management, Farmers’ Practices, and
Biodiversity Conservation in the Monogaga Protected
Coastal Forest in Southwest Cote d’Ivoire (63-85). -
Luning, S., Ritual Territories as Local Heritage? Dis
course on Disruptions in Society and Nature in Maane,
Burkina Faso (86-103). - Bassett, T. J., C. Blanc-
Pamard, J. Boutrais, Constructing Locality: The terroir
Approach in West Africa (104-129). - Roussel, B.,
F. Verdeaux, Natural Patrimony and Local Communi
ties in Ethiopia: Advantages and Limitations of a System
of Geographical Indications (130-150).
African Affairs (Oxford)
106. 2007/422
Mkutu, K. A., Small Arms and Light Weapons among
Pastoral Groups in the Kenya-Uganda Border Area (47—
70). - Abdul-Korah, G. B., “Where Is Not Home?”:
Dagaaba Migrants in the Brong Ahafo Region, 1980 to
the Present (71-94). - Cooper, A. D., Reparations for
the Herero Genocide: Defining the Limits of Interna
tional Litigation (113-126).
African Arts (Los Angeles)
39. 2006/3
Cancel, R., As setting/Inventing Traditions on the Lu-
apula. The Lunda Mutomboko Festival (12-25). -
Kerkham Simbao, R., A Crown on the Move. Stylis
tic Integration of the Luba-Lunda Complex in Lunda-
Kazembe Performance (26-41). - Becker, C., Amazigh
Textiles and Dress in Morocco. Metaphors of Mother
hood (42-55).
39. 2006/4
Nettleton, A., Samson Mudzunga, Dzingoma, and New
Mythologies (68-77).
40. 2007/1
Frank, B. E., Marks of Identity. Potters of the Folona
(Mali) and Their “Mothers” (30-41). - Forni, S.,
Containers of Life. Pottery and Social Relations in the
Grassfields [Cameroon] (42-53). - Birch Aguilar, L.,
Metaphors, Myths, and Making Pots. Chewa Clay Arts