The Bird Motif in Kaguru Folklore:
Ten Texts (Tanzania)
T. O. Beidelman
I. The Man and His Child and the Bird
II. The Man and the Bird
III. The Man and His Two Wives and the Bird
IV. The Man and the Bird
V. The Man and His Two Sons
VI. The Man and His Son and the Bird
VII. The Man and His Child and the Bird
VIII. The Three Men
IX. The Man and Wife and Their Grinding-Stone
X. The Man and the Wife of His Maternal Uncle and the Birds
Over the past thirteen years I have been engaged in the publication
of Kaguru folklore (cf. Bibliography). This task is still far from completed;
however, even at this point certain motifs are clearly prominent: old women,
oppressed younger children, trickster hares, villainous hyenas, cruel step
mothers, unjust elders, all occupy morally negative or questionable posi
tions within the general system of Kaguru ideology and tradition and there
fore constitute important elements in the repertoire of any Kaguru storyteller.
One such motif is that of a bird, and in this set of texts I briefly consider
this in terms of various Kaguru tales and also within the wider context of
certain other aspects of Kaguru thought. The broader aspects of Kaguru
society may be discerned from other publications (19670; 1968c, 19716) and
their contained bibliographies.
Leach has rightly criticized those analysts who see symbolic motifs
mainly at face value rather than in terms of their structural or modal signif
icance (1966). He damns Eliade and other members of the JuNGian school
who construct a kind of intellectual patchwork-quilt out of scattered symbolic
artifacts plucked out of the contexts of their respective cosmologies. Thus,