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Full Text: Anthropos, 93.1998

Mitarbeiter dieses Heftes 
Anthropos 93.1998 
Lioba Rossbach de Olmos, M. A., Wilhelmshavener 
Str. 60, D-65933 Frankfurt, Germany 
PD Dr. Martin Rössler, Institut für Ethnologie, Thea 
terplatz 15, D-37073 Göttingen, Germany 
Anne de Sales, 23 rue Montorgueil, F-75001 Paris, 
Dr. Will Sanders, Research School of Pacific Studies, 
ANU, Canberra CT 0200, Australia 
Dr. Michael Schlottner, Oberstr. 2, D-56459 Willmen 
rod, Germany 
Prof. Dr. J. M. Schoffeleers, Apollolaan 634, 2324 CK 
Leiden, The Netherlands 
Dr. Susanne Schröter, Frobenius-Institut, Johann Wolf 
gang Goethe-Universität, Liebigstr. 21, D-60323 
Frankfurt, Germany 
Dr. Ulrike Schuerkens, 10 rue Jonquoy, F-75014 Paris, 
Prof. Dr. Alan Smart, Dept, of Anthropology, Univer 
sity of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2M 3Y9 Canada 
Prof. Clark W. Sorensen, The Henry M. Jackson 
School of International Studies, University of 
Washington, Thompson Hall DR-05, Seattle, WA 
98195, USA 
Charles Stafford, Ph.D., Dept, of Anthropology, LSE, 
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, England 
O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Justin Stagl, Institut für Kulturso 
ziologie, Rudolfskai 42, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria 
Dr. Kevin Stuart, Qinghai Junior Teachers’ College, 
Xining 810007, P. R. of China 
Milena Sunnus, Freiligrathstraße 32, D-60385 Frank 
furt, Germany 
Prof. Dr. Richard C. Trexler, Dept, of History, SUNY, 
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000, USA 
Prof. Dr. Albert A. Trouwborst, Prof. Asselbergsstr. 
3, 6524 RR Nijmegen, The Netherlands 
Prof. Dr. Andrew P. Vayda, Dept, of Human Ecology, 
Cook Office Building, 55 Dudley Road, Rutgers, 
the State University of New Jersey, New Bruns 
wick, NJ 08901-8520, USA 
Dr. Hans Voges, Berger Str. 248, D-60385 Frankfurt, 
P. Stanistaw A. Wargacki, SVD, Ksieza Werbisci, ul. 
Jagiellonska 45, PL-20-950 Lublin, Poland 
Prof. Dr. Maria-Barbara Watson-Franke, Dept, of 
Women’s Studies, San Diego State University, San 
Diego, CA 92182-8138, USA 
Astrid Winterhaider, M. A., Nikolausstr. 8, D-84518 
Garching an der Alz, Germany 
Dr. Wulfhild Ziel, Mundolfstr. 8, D-12524 Berlin, 

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