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Full Text: Anthropos, 77.1982

Reports and Comments 
Anderson, Jon W.: Social Structure and the Veil: Comportment and the 397 420 
Composition of Interaction in Afghanistan 65—88 
Bailey, Clinton: Bedouin Religious Practices in Sinai and the Negev 
Baldwin, James A.: cf. Simoons, Frederick J., and Baldwin, James A. 239—241 
Bandi, Hans-Georg: Johannes Maringer SVD (1902-1981) 244—249 
Barclay, Harold B.: Another Look at the Origins of Horse Riding 
Best, Günter: Zum Wandel der Endogamie und Exogamie zweier Nomaden- 264-269 
gruppen in Ost- und Westafrika: Turkana und Fulbe 250-253 
Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela: Männliche Verhaltens- und Ausdrucksstile . . . 151—162 
Brandewie, Ernest: Wilhelm Schmidt: A Closer Look 351-362 
Bronner, Simon J.: The Haptic Experience of Culture 831-850 
Burton, John W.: The Names People Play: Atuot Metaphors of Self ...... 
Carrier, James G.: Fishing Practices on Ponam Island (Manus Province, 904-915 
Papua New Guinea) \\ 
Casale, Dorothy M.: Women, Power, and Change in Lugbara (Uganda) 385-396 
Cosmology: A Re-Interpretation ^ 
Crumrine, N. Ross: Praying and Feasting: Modem Guamanian Fiestas 113-133 
Dalfovo, A. T.: Logbara Personal Names and Their Relation to Religion .. . 
Daxelmüller, Christoph, und Thomsen, Marie-Louise: Bildzauber im alten 27-64 
Durrenberger, E. Paul: Shan kh j: The Essence of Misfortune 
Erlrnann, Veit: Daacol: Preisgesänge der Ful6e des Diamare vorgetragen von 
Alhaji Buuba Gerdele 896—897 
Fellman, Jack: Maltese, a Unique Arabic Dialect ' 
- - Sociolinguistic Similarities Between Two Modern Semitic Languages: gg5 _ g96 
Hebrew and Maltese ’ 971 
- - The First European Grammar of an Indigenous African Vernacular .... 
Fonseca, Claudia: Some Considerations on the Limits of Anthropological 
Theory as Applied to Community Development 363 38 
Geertz, Armin W. : The Sa’lakwmanawyat Sacred Puppet Ceremonial among 
the Hopi Indians in Arizona: A Preliminary Investigation 163 19U 
Haberland, Eike: Karin Hahn-Hissink (1907-1981) ^1"^ 
Henmnger, Joseph: Zur Kulturgeschichte des Neujahrsfestes 5 
Hinz, Eike: cf. Kokot, Waltraud, Lang, Hartmut, und Hinz, Eike 
Hockmgs, Pani: Badaga Kinship Rules in Their Socio-Economic Context. . 851 874 
Hoffpauir, Robert: The Water Buffalo: India’s Other Bovine ¿15 ¿5»

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