Bibliographic Data: Anthropos, 30.1935
- Structure Type:
- Journal
- Works URN (URL):
- URN:
- urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-714789
- Persistent identifier:
- BV041701500
- Title:
- Anthropos
- Other Titles:
- Anthropos
- Publisher:
- Ed. St. Paul, Anthropos-Institut
- Year of Publication:
- 1906
- Collection:
- Journals and Newspapers > Journals of Ethnology
Journal Volume
- Structure Type:
- Journal Volume
- Works URN (URL):
- URN:
- urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-709547
- Persistent identifier:
- DE-11-001871388
- Title:
- Anthropos, 30.1935
- Year of Publication:
- 1935
- Call Number:
- LA 1118-30
- Collection:
- Journals and Newspapers > Journals of Ethnology
Journal Issue
- Structure Type:
- Journal Issue
- Title:
- Bd. 30, 1935, Heft 5, 6
- Collection:
- Journals and Newspapers > Journals of Ethnology
Journal Article
- Structure Type:
- Journal Article
- Title:
- De Telefoon der Nkundo (Belgisch Kongo)
- Other person:
- Hulstaert, Gustaaf
- Collection:
- Journals and Newspapers > Journals of Ethnology