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Full Text: Anthropos, 102.2007

wine. The two of them drank. They drank until they be 
came drunk. They began talking. Friarbird said to Crow: 
“I prefer this world to have seven days of light followed 
by seven days of darkness.” Then Crow said: “The ar 
rangement should be one night alternating with one day. 
A day lasting seven days followed by a night lasting 
seven nights we definitely can’t have because we would 
suffer too much. Therefore, I prefer one day alternating 
with one night.” But Friarbird did not want this arrange 
ment, saying “I prefer a day lasting seven days followed 
by a night lasting seven nights.” Crow continued to dis 
agree. “It’s like this. We shall be hungry. We must not 
suffer. Therefore the best arrangement is to have one 
night alternating with one day.” Friarbird hit Crow. Crow 
hit Friarbird with a gourd. Friarbird’s entire head became 
covered in blood. Friarbird grabbed some banana ash and 
rubbed Crow’s entire body with it until his body was 
black all over. Friarbird’s head remained bald and Crow’s 
body remained black for he could never wash himself 
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