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Full Text: Anthropos, 102.2007

Anthropos 102.2007 
African Economic History (Madison) 
32. 2004 
Chalfin, B., Old Commodities in New Niches; The Shea 
Economy as Frontier (51-63). - Clark, G., Managing 
Transitions and Continuities in Ghanaian Trading (65- 
88). - Renne, E. P., The Production and Marketing of 
Babban Riga in Zaria, Nigeria (103-122). - Wolff, N., 
African Artisans and the Global Market: The Case of 
Ghanaian “Fertility Dolls” (123-141). 
African Studies Review (New Brunswick) 
50. 2007/1 
Mama, A., Is It Ethical to Study Africa? Prelimi 
nary Thoughts on Scholarship and Freedom (1-26). - 
Howard-Hassmann, R. E., A. P. Lombardo, Framing 
Reparations Claims: Differences between the African 
and Jewish Social Movements for Reparations (27-48). 
American Anthropologist (Berkeley) 
108. 2006/4 
Petterson, J. S., L. D. Stanley, E. Glazier, J. Philipp, 
A Preliminary Assessment of Social and Econom 
ic Impacts Associated with Hurricane Katrina (643- 
670). - Austin, D. E., Coastal Exploitation, Land Loss, 
and Hurricanes. A Recipe for Disaster (671-691). - 
McGuire, T., Louisiana’s Oysters, America’s Wetlands, 
and the Storms of 2005 (692-705). - Morgan, D. W., 
N. I. M. Morgan, B. Barrett, Finding a Place for the 
Commonplace: Hurricane Katrina, Communities, and 
Preservation Law (706-718). - Dawdy, S. L., The 
Taphonomy of Disaster and the (Re)Formation of New 
Orleans (719-730). - Colten, C. E., Vulnerability and 
Place: Flat Land and Uneven Risk in New Orleans (731 - 
734). - Masquelier, A., Why Katrina’s Victims Aren’t 
Refugees: Musings on a “Dirty” World (735-743). - 
Breunlin, R., H. A. Regis, Putting the Ninth Ward on 
the Map: Race, Place, and Transformation in Desire, 
New Orleans (744-764). - Jackson, J. M., Declaration 
of Taking Twice: The Fazendeville Community of the 
Lower Ninth Ward (765-780). - Pena, A. H., Wade 
in the Water: Personal Reflections on a Storm, a Peo 
ple, and a National Park (781-798). - Ethridge, R., 
Bearing Witness: Assumptions, Realities, and the Oth- 
erizing of Katrina (799-813). - Lienard, P., P. Boyer, 
Whence Collective Rituals? A Cultural Selection Model 
of Ritualized Behavior (814-827). - Sharman, R. L., 
Re/Making La Negrita: Culture as an Aesthetic System 
in Costa Rica (842-853). - Brumfiel, E. M., Cloth, 
Gender, Continuity, and Change: Fabricating Unity in 
Anthropology (862-877). 
109. 2007/1 
Gilberthorpe, E., Fasu Solidarity; A Case Study of Kin 
Networks, Land Tenure, and Oil Extraction in Kutubu, 
Papua New Guinea (101-112). - Wernke, S. A., Ne 
gotiating Community and Landscape in the Peruvian 
Andes: A Transconquest View (130-152). - Quinlan, 
R. J., M. B. Quinlan, Parenting and Cultures of Risk: 
A Comparative Analysis of Infidelity, Aggression, and 
Witchcraft (164-179). 
American Ethnologist (Berkeley) 
33. 2006/4 
Munasinghe, V., Theorizing World Culture through the 
New World: East Indians and Creolization (549-562). - 
Lutz, C., Empire Is in the Details (593-611). - Glick 
Schiller, N., A. Çaglar, T. C. Guldbrandsen, Beyond 
the Ethnic Lens; Locality, Globality, and Born-Again 
Incorporation (612-633). - Goodale, M., Reclaiming 
Modernity: Indigenous Cosmopolitanism and the Com 
ing of the Second Revolution in Bolivia (634-649). - 
Paulson, S., Body, Nation, and Consubstantiation in 
Bolivian Ritual Meals (650-664). - Ellison, J., “Ev 
eryone Can Do as He Wants”: Economic Liberalization 
and Emergent Forms of Antipathy in Southern Ethiopia 
34. 2007/1 
Kohn, E., How Dogs Dream: Amazonian Natures and 
the Politics of Transspecies Engagement (3-24). - 
Nadasdy, P., The Gift in the Animal: The Ontology 
of Hunting and Human-Animal Sociality (25-43). - 
Persson, A., Intimate Immensity: Phenomenology of 
Place and Space in an Australian Yoga Community (44- 
56). - Henkel, H., The Location of Islam: Inhabiting 
Istanbul in a Muslim Way (57-70). - Montoya, R., So 
cialist Scenarios, Power, and State Formation in Sandin- 
ista Nicaragua (71-90). - Kingfisher, C., Discursive 
Constructions of Homelessness in a Small City in the 
Canadian Prairies: Notes on Déstructuration, Individu 
alization, and the Production of (Raced and Gendered) 
Unmarked Categories (91-107). - Wirtz, K., How 
Diasporic Religious Communities Remember: Learning 
to Speak the “Tongue of the Oricha” in Cuban San 
tería (108-126). - Buyandelgeriyn, M., Dealing with 
Uncertainty: Shamans, Marginal Capitalism, and the 
Remaking of History in Postsocialist Mongolia (127 — 
147). - Faier, L., Filipina Migrants in Rural Japan and 
Their Professions of Love (148-162). - Leinaweaver, 
J. B., On Moving Children: The Social Implications 
of Andean Child Circulation (163-180). - Roberts, 
E. F. S., Extra Embryos: The Ethics of Cryopreservation 
in Ecuador and Elsewhere (181-199). 
L’Année sociologique (Paris) 
56. 2006/2 
Boudon, R., Bonne et mauvaise abstraction (263- 
284). - Grossetti, M., Trois échelles d’action et 
d’analyse : L’abstraction comme opérateur d’échelle

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